less mess, less stress, more revenue
Organization is paramount to running businesses small and large. Whether working out of a home office, a retail store front, or for a large corporation, organizational systems can make all the difference.​
Filing Systems & Paper Systems
Incoming mail and to-do lists to paper bills and records are serious offenders of clutter and distraction. Implementing systems to suit individual style and preferences prevents paper clutter from taking over, and makes prioritizing and document location effortless.
Office Space
Moving into a new space or organizing an existing office space takes thoughtful planning. If done correctly, it creates opportunity to organize your business, consider efficient and economical ways to operate day-to-day, and plan office layouts accordingly. JKB Organizing provides guidance on furniture placement, office supplies, and office flow for those working within the space and those coming into the space.
Personal and Protected Information
JKB Organizing provides expertise in records retention - what papers to keep and for how long, and which documents to shred.